Transport your machine to the starting lane and set the machine down aligned with the lane.
Verify recovery tank is empty.
Turn the e-stop and press the power up button.
Enter user ID.
Press oil button.
Press the Oil button. If the Scheduler feature is being used, then the preselected pattern will automatically be displayed. Depending on what level of access you have, you may or may not be able to override the scheduler. If no pattern is scheduled, then you can run whatever pattern you wish.

Select lanes to condition and press start and the machine will begin the conditioning process.
When the lanes are complete, it will be necessary to perform the daily maintenance. - More info
Place machine on charge. - More info
The felt inside of the oil compartment must be wiped down and the drip pads on each side of the transfer and buffer brush assembly must be wiped free of oil.
Wipe around the moving head and check each end of the head bar.
All surfaces around the oil compartment should be thoroughly cleaned.
To ensure the moving head bar does not get dry in either the oil or cleaning compartments, simply apply a light film of lane oil on each bar.
Remove dirt and debris from transfer brush.
Wipe down the buffer brush with a clean, dry towel.
Stand the machine in the transport position and wipe off the squeegee assembly.
Clean off the guide wheels.
For proper charging, it is necessary to plug the charger into the machine first, and then power up the charger. When the machine is fully charged, it will be necessary to remove power from the charger, allow the charger to shut down and then unplug the charger from the machine. When charging, the volts will be below 28.8 Volts and the amps will be in the high teens to 20.8 Amps. When fully charged, the amps will go to 0.02 or 0.00 and the voltage will go up to 28.8 Volts.
Do not leave the charger plugged into power when the charger is not in use. The charger will have the appearance of working properly when actually it could shut down the DC output voltage.
If the ProNautic Charger does not recognize a connection to batteries or the lane machine, or if it detects a bad ground or connection on the AC power side, the charger will not charge properly.