By clicking on the Bowling Center tab, the user is allowed to view various settings.
By clicking on the small pencil or edit button, you can change the name of that appears on the touchscreen. You can also set the number of lanes in the bowling center.

When you select Lane Selection, you will be able to view the LDS (lane distance sensor) the RTF (return to foul line) for that particular lane. On the Atlas Walker you will be able to view the walker settings from right to left and from left to right.

The LDS is used to dial in the distance to end to ensure that the lane machine travels the proper distance. The proper distance is when the squeegee blades just leave the tail plank without leaving a line of cleaner on the pin deck. Once set, click on Send to All Lanes followed by saving the settings.
Once you have the LDS dialed in, you will now need to adjust the return to foul line so that the machine travels the proper distance. The proper distance is to when the machine travels in reverse and stops at the foul line without touching the foul line. Once set, click on Send to All Lanes followed by saving the settings.
WALKING SETTINGS (Atlas Walker only)
In the Walking Settings you can fine-tune how the lane machine operates on the approach. In the screen shot above, you can set that if you select lane 2 for example, you can change the approach settings from lane 2 to 1 on the lower left box or change the settings from lane 2 to 3.
If you click on Copy Settings you have the option to any changes that you made to all of the lanes, odd or even. Again, if any changes have been made, click on Save.