The patented Sanction Technology™ the only measurable method capable of applying precise amounts of lane conditioner. The following explanation of how this is accomplished will help you understand the ‘Art’ of oil pattern application. 

When conditioning a lane, the oil head travels back and forth applying streams of conditioner onto the Transfer Brush.  This gives the machine the ability to create patterns like the one below.

The size of the stream can be set to an exact amount, or volume.  We achieve this exact stream and volume by using a highly accurate fluid metering pump.  This pump, running at a constant speed, gives absolute positive displacement of the conditioner.  The accuracy of the pump is ± 1% with a continued precision of ± 0.5% after millions of cycles.  To further express how accurate the pump is, these are the same pumps used in hospital medication dispensers. 

The oil head traveling at a constant speed puts down the same amount of conditioner as it travels across each board.  The pump allows us to set the exact amount of conditioner that goes on each and every board within the stream.  We measure this amount and refer to it as the ‘Volume per Board’.

The pump output is measured in microliters.  This is a metric measurement for fluid volume.  The factory setting for the pump is 50 microliters per board.

To give you a visual perspective of how much conditioner is being applied in 50 microliters, consider that about 20 microliters make up one drop of oil.  So, each time a stream of oil crosses one board it applies almost 2-1/2 drops of conditioner.

Since this amount of conditioner is too small to measure with the naked eye, we must use a larger number of boards to get an amount we can visibly measure.  Within the settings menu, there is an oil pump test that is factory set and is designed to condition 400 boards.  This will give us enough conditioner to determine the amount that is being applied per board.  Using a large round number makes the math a little easier to figure.

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