With Scheduler, you are able to set up an oiling schedule that automatically loads the correct pattern when the lane machine is powered up.

By clicking on the + sign, the Add New Schedule screen will be displayed. From here you can Select All Days, Weekdays, Weekends or Clear All Days.
To set up an oiling schedule, select a day you would like to edit. Click the Starting Time and Ending Time you wish to condition the lanes. You are able to create multiple time zones just as long as they do not overlap an existing time zone.
For example, if you want to condition lanes 1-12 with a house pattern, select the time you wish to begin and end then select lanes 1-12, Clean and Oil, and then the pattern and select Burn Pair on. Once you have entered all of the correct information, click save and then the Refresh button located at the top next to the + sign. This will update your lane machine with the current schedule.
The Skipping Mode has 3 different options. If you want to run the lane machine as normal lane to lane, select No Skipping. If you are running two different patterns on a one pair, you may select Skip Lane. If every other pair is a different pattern, then you can select Skip Pair.
If you want to skip more than two lanes, you can select Walk Only on the lanes that you want to skip. For example, you can run 1-6 and by selecting Walk Only on 7-12, the machine will go to the next lane and travel 5 feet and come back and go the next lane and so on.